Mastering Reiki

“I scoffed at the idea that one could Master these techniques without instructors or time-consuming classes … then, I tried it”
In my mind, nothing could replace the one on one instructional time with my students, but life has an interesting way of showing us things.”

Can you blame me for not believing it?

As it turns out, I had been successfully teaching Reiki techniques for over twenty years having no idea what Reiki was. I was able to teach hundreds of people to heal themselves as well as others. Sound crazy? Take a look at WHO’s RKN

…and I didn’t believe anything could replace the one-on-one instruction I could offer my students. But I was about to be proven wrong!

My name is Roger K Novillo, and I’m a fully certified Reiki Master.

The path to mastering this new jaw-dropping method of healing through Divine Energy has already begun. Let’s go over a few more things to reassure you that you are in the right place at the perfect time.

“If healing yourself and others is your life-calling, then Reiki can be the answering to that calling”

Reiki is an incredible discipline that could cleanse your body and further your inward and outward spirituality, understanding yourself and the world around you, read all about it in this page!!!

  • Reiki can rid one of pain, anxiety, and all sorts of negativity including emotional and physical. Achieving this will suddenly make what seems like stormy clouds in ourselves to open up into a beautiful place full of peace and love with the sun shining bright.
  • “Giving is better than receiving”. This is another opportunity offered. Through Reiki healing,  you can experience the joy and love that comes from healing others.
  • It could bring balance to your life, heal your Chakras, and fill you with contentment and a sense of deep understanding…
  • I know, because that’s what it did for my students AND myself…

* Results may vary

This changed my life!!!

You wouldn’t believe how many people would come to me after class,
look me in the eye, and say those words.
They meant it. In fact, this is the reason I had kept teaching for over the years.
But learning how to use these powerful healing techniques hasn’t traditionally been easy
or something you can learn at home…

Learning Reiki doesn’t have to be Expensive
or require In-Person instruction.

A few years ago, if you had asked me how to become a Reiki master,
I would have told you the long and winding path I took to get there.

Choose a good teacher. Listen to him or her carefully. Go to classes diligently and practice, practice, practice. As time goes on, you’d gradually learn more about the techniques, and eventually climb the rungs of mastery. One step at a time.

The problem?

Traditional Reiki classes are expensive!

And if the instructor didn’t have an efficient system, it could take years to learn the material. That means most people just didn’t have the time and money to learn how to do it… So when one of my colleagues told me of a new method she used to learn Reiki at home at her own pace without an instructor…

You can imagine my reaction…
Can you blame me for doing what I did?
I scoffed.

There was no way of reading some books or listening to some tape could teach people what it had taken me years and lots of money to learn. At least, that’s what I thought at the time.

Then I learned…

This powerful new method comes directly
from master Mikao Usui’s writings

Master Mikao Usui

The founder and pioneer of Reiki himself. For years, many of Master Usui’s writings weren’t available to anyone… They were hidden away or lost. But recently, one of his personal writings has been uncovered and translated.

In fact, it’s the very piece of writing detailing exactly how he developed Reiki in the first place. So when I found out that this new method was drawn directly from this piece of ancient text… I sat up and paid attention. I read the translated text, and I almost couldn’t believe the secrets I discovered…

This Incredible Discovery
Has Changed The Way We Learn Reiki…

Did you know that the founder of Reiki developed the Art of Reiki alone on Mount Kurama?

Usui’s Meditation spot on Mt. Kurama

All by himself!

He didn’t have an instructor to guide him, and yet he was able to learn to heal others. And he detailed exactly how to do it in this newly discovered writing… I couldn’t believe it.

It took me years of in-person doctrines to become a master.

I had taught others using the same methods I used to learn Reiki myself… but Usui’s method allowed him to start healing others all on his own. It didn’t even require an instructor.

Even if you know nothing about Reiki… it’s possible for you to learn to heal others using real Reiki techniques using the same method…

Does it really work?

I had to find out.

Of course, I was already a Reiki healer and that’s why I needed to somehow get people who wanted to learn Reiki to try it.

So I took the best parts from the original manuscript, broke it down, and made it into a step-by-step guide that’s completely foolproof.

Then I distributed it to several interested students to see if it worked. The results made me rethink everything I thought I knew about learning Reiki.

I found that not only were these people able to learn the techniques through this new method, but that:

It’s true: you CAN and SHOULD learn Reiki with self-instruction…

As much as I hate to admit it, they learned those Reiki techniques just as well as if I had been in my studio teaching them. And they learned this incredible healing system at home. It didn’t cost them thousands of dollars, or even hundreds.

Frankly, it made me a believer.

Here was a way for people to learn Reiki that needs only a fraction of the energy, and money compared with formal classes. So I took the program and worked it around their feedback, made it even easier to learn and understand than before. I added parts to help improve understanding of the core concepts of Reiki…

And I threw in tons of supplementary material like Reiki music, eBooks, and personal support…everything you need to create an optimal Reiki experience…

What I came away with is Mastering Reiki

Over 200,000 healers from around the world
have chosen Reiki …

Waves of students, masters, and health seekers are experiencing the profound
impact Reiki has on their happiness and well-being.

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Here’s how you can learn Reiki the same way master
Mikao Usui did it… Without expensive classes
and at your own pace…

Mastering Reiki is my comprehensive Reiki training that is based
on the writings of Mikao Usui himself.

  • Gives you a working system for healing yourself, your friends and your loved ones…
  • Shows you how to practice Reiki from the comfort of your own home (no long commute to classes)…
  • Helps you discover the power of Reiki from Mikao Usui’s original writing… a precise, eloquent and simple application of the art…
  • Gives you what you need to learn Reiki without face-to-face contact with a Reiki instructor (Mikao Usui himself clearly indicates what it takes to learn and become proficient at Reiki, and it does not include direct contact with a teacher or practitioner)…
  • Teaches you a direct and proven path to moving from Reiki practitioner to Reiki Master faster than you would ever believe…

* Results may vary

The bottom line Is?

Mastering Reiki makes it possible to learn Reiki and even attain master status…

  • At your own pace
  • Easily
  • Affordably

No matter how little you know about Reiki right now, it’s
possible to learn this incredible art from
the comfort of your own home…

It sounds crazy.

But if you give Reiki Infinite Healer a try, you may experience real, profound results. You could literally feel the energy as it flows through you. It’s the most profound feeling and you would be shocked at how it starts to positively change things around you…

And you don’t need to take my word for it. It’s been over a year now since I released my Reiki Infinite Healer and the results have been stunning.

In fact, more people have succeeded in learning Reiki since Mastering Reiki has been released than all of my years teaching people one-on-one.

People contact me all the time, without request for testimonial and completely unsolicited. But I am not here to try to sell you if you have made it this far, it is because you have been guided here. And should really consider becoming a Reiki Master in order to help us keep the balance in this world.

What About Reiki Attunements?What About Reiki Attunements?

I’ve been teaching Reiki for over twenty years and I still believe there are a place and time for the master to student attunements…

But most of the time you are better off attuning yourself through personal meditation…

The same way Dr. Usui attuned himself when he developed the art. I have never had a student who has followed the self-attunement techniques in Mastering Reiki come to me afterwards and tell me they couldn’t attune.

So if you just want to start practicing techniques at your own pace, without spending a lot of money, then you’re in the right place.

Connect to the universal energy…

giving you the power to heal yourself when and where you need it…

Address problems and illnesses by healing the underlying energy imbalance that’s causing the disease…
The act of healing (yourself or others) is so universal in its effect that it could help prevent dysfunctions within the body—in all areas—not just the ones you’re specifically treating at the time.

Eliminate the stress and strain of modern life!

Reiki could calm you and empower you with the inner peace to handle anything that life throws your way. It could also give you the inner clarity you need to maintain poise and calm in the midst of any stressful or negative situation.

Feel the inner joy and peace of healing others…

Enjoy the reward of knowing that you’re helping those who are in desperate need…and you’re sharing the gifts that you have been given using the power of Reiki… This could bestow upon you a type of happiness nothing else can bring!

Reconnect to your higher self…
Open up your Chakras and attune your powers of intuition…allowing you to improve your self-confidence and make better decisions…

Balance your mind…
body and spirit by practicing these proven self-healing methods…

Discover your life purpose…
Reiki is a liberating spiritual practice that could reconnect you to your true self and enable you to see the direction you should be heading with new eyes and clarity. You could see—maybe for the first time—the things you need to move forward in life.

Alleviate emotional and psychological traumas brought on by difficult life events…
Many of us have had difficult even traumatic events occur in our lives that have left us, emotionally or psychologically scarred. Reiki could remove the energetic element that is attaching itself to your psyche; often removing the pain, anxiety and negative emotions these traumas left behind…

* Results may vary

In the words of Mikao Usui “Reiki is the art of inviting happiness”…

For most of us, happiness is an elusive and often fleeting thing we try to grasp on to but only get a glimpse and fleeting moments of. Mikao Usui knew happiness starts with your inner essence, the spiritual alignment with who you are now, and what you are meant to be…

Reiki could create this alignment and set you on the path to higher consciousness… and ultimately enlightenment. Imagine… you could discover how to heal yourself and others through the techniques originally discovered by master Mikao Usui.

Introducing: The “Mastering Reiki”
home study course

Become a Certified Reiki Master Today!

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