This moment in the human consciousness evolution involves the whole solar system, which is moving toward a more highly charged part of the Milky Way Galaxy and is at the same time receiving exceptionally high pulses of energy from the galactic heart.

With the Galactic Alignment at Summer Solstice 2020, we are living in momentous and extraordinary times of unprecedented change. In fact, we are in the midst of a massive challenge and transformation. 

Things get stirred up with big changes and dramatic challenges when we move from one Age to another, and even more from one Great Age to another as is happening right now.

At the Summer Solstice, June 20 – 23, 2020  Gaia (Earth) has begun her alignment with the Milky Way Galactic Center, the Heart of our galaxy. Giving a pass to the great energetic purge that will help us elevate to higher frequencies, by letting go of negative blockages and traumas.

This Galactic Alignment at Summer Solstice 2020, creates a great wave of energy described as electric, magnetic, gravitational, and spiritual. 

If you catch this great wave with the awareness of its significance, it can lift you to higher levels of consciousness and evolution. We have a great opportunity to make this alignment extremely powerful. 

In the ecliptic celestial Zodiac, this event marks the beginning of a New Great Age of approximately 25,920 years, which is marked by the time it takes the Sun to process through all twelve signs of the Zodiac –  the Zodiac has come full circle.   

The ecliptic celestial Zodiac indicates the accurate timing when the equator of the Milky Way galaxy crosses the Sun’s ecliptic at the two solstice’s solar power points.

Because there is a slight variation in modern mathematical-astronomical calculations, some have celebrated it in 2012 according to the Mayans calendarists. Nevertheless, this great event is occurring in the times in which we are now living. 

Some people have interpreted this as a doomsday scenario, which is is not! The world will not end, but we are definitely entering into a new phase of human evolution. 

Masters of all Traditions prophesied that this new era would offer us an ascension, an elevation into a higher level of consciousness which would be for humanity a new Golden Age of harmony, wisdom, prosperity and peace.

However, the success of this depends on our efforts to build the new Golden Age with the inspiration and guidance of the Master Souls and Angels. 

This is our challenge as well as our opportunity. 

It is actually a huge opportunity for humanity collectively to break through into a far higher expression of life and consciousness than ever before. In fact, we are breaking through!  

This great wave opens up a channel from the Heart of the Milky Way to the Earth via Sirius and then the Sun, and allows cosmic energy and light to pour upon us.

To align yourself with this great wave face south and the timing would be best at noon (Sun’s time.) But it can be done anytime. For alignment at sunrise face east and then south.  Prayers, meditations, mantras, mystical exercises and contemplations are wonderful tools to tune in with this great wave. The energy flows from your heart to the Milky Way Center, Heart of our galaxy, via the Sun. 

It is an extraordinary opportunity and moment in our lives.

It is a moment in time that has to be grasped. If so, then it will lift the one who holds on it up to higher levels of consciousness and evolution. If however that moment is missed, it will be gone and the opportunity will be lost. 

The energy of the great wave is received according to the planetary time solar power points, our receptivity and creativity.  

It is up to us to be in the in the right place at the right time with the right orientation and in the right consciousness. 

It is up to us to be of service, helping as many people as possible to receive and be lifted by this Great Light. 

Since childhood, I have had a fascination with Mysticism and the Occult, due to my God-given gifts and abilities.

this has taken me to study and participate in ancient religions and rituals and awakening my spirituality to its full potential. and by doing so, I was able to create for you:


where you will find everything you need, for your spiritual and awakening journey, from morning routines and exercises, to Personal and Profesional, one on one Coaching, healthier recipes, guided meditations, and much more!!!

These exercises will help you tune in with the creative flow of life and the Life Force of the Universe, thus with the Law of Attraction and Manifestation.  

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