
The power of Reiki


Reiki holds the power to rid your body and spirit of negativity by helping you understand your unique needs in relevance to your surroundings.


Meet Roger K Novillo

RKN Worldwide

As a certified Reiki Grand Master, Roger has put hundreds of clients at peace through the power of reiki. Safe to say, he has seen Reiki do unbelievable things such as cure pain, ease anxious thoughts and remove both physical and emotional negativity. His clients have come to him with great anguish and left with a smile on their faces. Why? Because reiki actually works! It can make a gloomy world seem rewarding, redefine your perspective and enable you to discover yourself in the dark. And the benefits of Reiki are plenty and Roger is living proof. Not only do his clients benefit from his services but he says that reiki has changed his life for the better. In his own words, reiki is something that can bring contentment in various forms. Every individual has a different experience, nonetheless, it is positive every single time.

This changed my life!”

These four words are something that Roger is used to by now. His clients often tell him after the treatment that they feel better than ever. As a dedicated grand master, Roger says that this is exactly what keeps him going.

More about Roger’s incredible journey

He has been honing his craft for years, researching, teaching, and learning. Through it all, he highly values Usui’s method above all else because it showed him how to heal people without the help of a guide. But the road wasn’t always so easy. It took years before Roger could become a master and perfect reiki in all its glory.

The origin of reiki

The spiritual practice was created more than a century ago by Mikao Usui in Japan. It was during the time he was immersed in the solitude offered by Mount Kurama that reiki took root, that too without any external guidance. However, Usui channeled the energies as best he could and mastered the art of healing. Not only that, but he taught his students so they could continue his legacy and heal the generations to come.

Master Mikao Usui – The founder and pioneer of Reiki himself.

Is reiki effective?

Unfortunately, many people are quick to form inaccurate assumptions about reiki even though the ancient practice has helped millions over the years. Mikao Usui claims that ‘Reiki is the art of inviting happiness and at RKN Global, we know that truer words haven’t even been spoken. After all, why else would 200k + healers choose reiki?

The quest for happiness

To the average human, happiness is often limited in magnitude and seems to be riddled with interruptions. But that’s because we seek it from the outside. Reiki places great focus on looking for happiness within yourself which is why it harmonizes your soul by helping you discover your purpose in the present and the future. This can lead you to higher consciousness, enlighten your spirit, and give you the tools you need to rid yourself of the darkness. Not just that, but you can carry your gift forward and show others the light as well.

Usui’s Meditation spot on Mt. Kurama

Whether you’re a master, a student, or a regular individual eager to get through life, Reiki can have the impact you’ve always been looking for.

The spiritual practice:

  1. Instills the power of healing within your soul
  2. Helps you identify dysfunctions and imbalances within yourself to solve the problem at the root and relieve you of the pain
  3. Empowers you with a sense of awareness and clarity so you can channel your inner reservoir of energy to overcome the stressful challenges of 21st century
  4. Allows you to break the shackles on your chakra and connect with a higher conscious for content living and holistic decision making
  5. Strikes a harmonious chord to balance your mind, body, and soul
  6. Broadens your perspective, lets you think beyond the surface, and frees your spirit so you can be who you’re meant to be
  7. Reduce the burden of life’s traumas by giving you an alternative path to shed your resentment, forgive those who wronged you, cherish the lessons you’ve learned and lead a life with your head held high

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Want to be a certified reiki master?

Learn the practice just as master Usui once did with a modern twist. This home study course doesn’t require you to go somewhere nor pay egregious amounts of money.

Introducing: The “Mastering Reiki”
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