Update from the Galactic Federation:

Lord Ashtar, Galactic Federation Commander.

Dear ones,

You must not forget that the great ascension of humanity is at hand and that you shall begin to prepare your body, mind, and soul for this process.

If you follow the news and political updates you inform yourselves and we salute your willingness to look at the darkness and learn about the evil that controlled and enslaved you for thousands of years.

Knowledge is power.

But we would also like to remind you that the continuous flood of this third-dimensional information will lower your vibratory level. It will arouse your anger, sadness, and in the worst-case scenario, for those extremely sensitive empaths amongst you, it can even leave you feeling powerless.

You must balance the information you look at.

What you look at is where you send your energy to and what you send energy to you create more of.

As the fight over Earth’s territory continues, we’d like to emphasize the importance of rest, grounding, and simply distracting yourself with what uplifts your spirits.

Disconnect from the media and electronic devices for a few hours each day. Go for walks, spend time in nature, play with your children and pets.

Listen to music, move your bodies, and relax your minds.

The Earth’s frequency is rising and your physical bodies will learn to match this new vibratory level but you must be determined in supporting this sacred journey diligently.

Drink plenty of fresh water, eat raw fruits and vegetables, and avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol as much as you can.

In your world, you were taught that you have just one body. The physical body. Whereas in truth, you have 5 sacred bodies. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and astral bodies are the reality of your quantum existence within the third, fourth, and fifth-dimensional realities.

These bodies have a direct correlation with one another. Therefore, the mental body is directly connected with your physical body. If your mind is focused on too much negativity your body will show symptoms of fatigue, aches, allergies, and more. A stressed mind is of no help to an ascending physical body.

This is the first time in the history of the universe that you as a species are ascending with your physical body…

Meditate, relax, let go, and let love flow.

Have you heard your human saying: “What you resist persists, what you let go flows.”?

This is what we want to remind you of today.

Envision a happy outcome and look more at things that excite you and make you happy. This is, after all, the great secret to all manifestation and abundance.

We love you dearly.

We are your family of light.

Lord Ashtar.

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | High Council Elder


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